I bet I’ve heard the word, “overwhelmed” seventy times this week. People are telling me they’re overwhelmed, they don’t know where to start, they don’t know what to do. It’s almost as though they’re stirring a frenzy in their mind to the point of paralysis.

Lead with Love
In the pre-pandemic world when I would step out on stage to talk about leading with love, I’d notice some initial discomfort in the audience. They shifted in their seats or broke eye contact with me until I explained what I meant. Now with everything we’ve been through, people are craving better relationships with everyone in their life, including their leaders, and I don’t notice that awkwardness anymore.

The Shift to Solutions-Thinking
There is a lot of hand-wringing these days over problems. Problems in the world and in the country. Problems with the pandemic and with healthcare. Problems in the real estate industry and inventory shortage. Mahatma Gandhi famously directed us to, “Be the change you wish to see in the world,” and being the change starts by shifting focus from the problem to the solution, from inertia to action.

5 Tips to Attract and Retain Top Leadership
Zig Ziglar’s famous quote is as true today as ever: You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.

Write it Down
When I get a good idea, I write it down. Likewise, when a thought about someone pops into my head – even if it’s 11 o’clock at night – I write down their name, because that will prompt me to think about them the next day.

7 Ways to Own Your Personal Power
During this time of business as unusual, I can’t think of a better opportunity to work on yourself. Author and motivational speaker, Jim Rohn, famously advised, “Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.” Owning your personal power is a way to effect positive change in your own life and broaden your circle of influence.

Let’s talk CEO to CEO. As the owner of your own real estate company, you’re a CEO and it’s up to you to pay attention and execute from every angle in order to build a bulletproof business. Following are my Top 10 Tips to help you succeed.

5 Essentials for a Better Business and a Better Life
Hours turn into days, which blur into weeks and then months, and often we’re left blinking into the bewildered eyes in the mirror, no better off today than last year.

4 Ways to Create Empathy in Sales and Service
Empathy is the number one skillset sought after by both employers and consumers alike and is the new buzzword for skills development and retaining customer loyalty.