Following the recent elections, many people at Women’s Council of REALTORS® and other organized real estate groups are assuming leadership roles for the first time, and many others are striving to build their leadership skills. Everyone’s leadership journey is unique and personal.

And Now the Disruptors are Disrupting Themselves
Recently we’ve witnessed a lot of disruptors disrupting themselves. A perfect example of this is Zillow’s announcement that it is ceasing its iBuying operations and reducing its workforce by 25% due to massive losses in that division. In my opinion, this confirms what many in the industry have been saying for years: automated valuation models are flawed.

Lead with Love
In the pre-pandemic world when I would step out on stage to talk about leading with love, I’d notice some initial discomfort in the audience. They shifted in their seats or broke eye contact with me until I explained what I meant. Now with everything we’ve been through, people are craving better relationships with everyone in their life, including their leaders, and I don’t notice that awkwardness anymore.

If You Build People, Profits Will Follow
Our industry is polarized by fear: fear of competitors, fear of disruptors, fear of the unknown. Real estate has always been cyclical and there has always been competition.

Write it Down
When I get a good idea, I write it down. Likewise, when a thought about someone pops into my head – even if it’s 11 o’clock at night – I write down their name, because that will prompt me to think about them the next day.

Reach for the Stars with People who Keep You Grounded
Every now and then we may get a little too big for our britches and we need someone in our life who keeps us grounded. I’m not referring to people who are negative or say that what we’re trying to accomplish is impossible, but rather someone who has our best interest at heart.

Tap into Your Inner GPS
During research for a talk, I discovered that humans have a kind of inner GPS. We’re all familiar with the global positioning system that helps us drive from point A to point B, but we also have an internal GPS; an inner goal producing system.

Fear is a Feeling, not a Fact
There are an awful lot of people who are afraid to jump out and try something new or jump in and sell. But fear is a feeling, not a fact, and often the thing we fear can be turned into an opportunity instead.

People Want to be Heard
I believe people are craving leadership more now than they ever have before. They’re looking for transparency – for a human element. They’re looking for someone who cares.

Mergers & Acquisitions in Real Estate Brokerage
Today’s real estate market is equally primed for those real estate broker/owners who want their company to be acquired by another and for those wishing to acquire an existing company.