In an article for Forbes on the continuing gender wage disparity, Senior Contributor, Tom Spiggle, wrote, “Over the past few decades, this gender pay gap has been narrowing. But it’s a slow process and at the current rate, the gender pay gap will remain until 2059.” 2059?! That’s all kinds of wrong.

An Unfair Competitive Advantage
Recently, Arianna Huffington, Founder of the Huffington Post and CEO of Thrive Global, reported on a new Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation from The Business Roundtable.

7 Things Agents Look For in a Brokerage
Earning a competitive commission split is important, but it’s not the only thing most agents look for when choosing or staying with a brokerage.

Finally, Prosperity Over Time with the EXIT Formula
EXIT Realty is a company built on human potential and at its very core is the EXIT Formula.

A Company Founded and Built on Human Potential
People want to be part of something better. They want to feel like they belong.