I bet I’ve heard the word, “overwhelmed” seventy times this week. People are telling me they’re overwhelmed, they don’t know where to start, they don’t know what to do. It’s almost as though they’re stirring a frenzy in their mind to the point of paralysis.

The Shift to Solutions-Thinking
There is a lot of hand-wringing these days over problems. Problems in the world and in the country. Problems with the pandemic and with healthcare. Problems in the real estate industry and inventory shortage. Mahatma Gandhi famously directed us to, “Be the change you wish to see in the world,” and being the change starts by shifting focus from the problem to the solution, from inertia to action.

The T’s have it
I find one of the best ways to accomplish big things is by having the three T’s: Targets, Tactics, and Timelines.

Let’s talk CEO to CEO. As the owner of your own real estate company, you’re a CEO and it’s up to you to pay attention and execute from every angle in order to build a bulletproof business. Following are my Top 10 Tips to help you succeed.

Steps to 2020 Vision
Look back on what you’ve accomplished professionally so far in 2019. Determine what you did well and where you can improve in 2020.