In an article for Forbes on the continuing gender wage disparity, Senior Contributor, Tom Spiggle, wrote, “Over the past few decades, this gender pay gap has been narrowing. But it’s a slow process and at the current rate, the gender pay gap will remain until 2059.” 2059?! That’s all kinds of wrong.

Heart and Soul
I am an information junkie and one of the many newsletters I receive is from The Motley Fool, which is all about investing. I was interested to learn about their Ownership Portfolio which focuses on the stocks of companies where the founder is still in control. The return on this portfolio has been a whopping 650%.

An Unfair Competitive Advantage
Recently, Arianna Huffington, Founder of the Huffington Post and CEO of Thrive Global, reported on a new Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation from The Business Roundtable.

7 Things Agents Look For in a Brokerage
Earning a competitive commission split is important, but it’s not the only thing most agents look for when choosing or staying with a brokerage.

People-Focused Real Estate Company Pays $460 Million in Bonuses
“People want to be part of something better. They want to feel like they belong, they’re being heard and that their individuality is honored; that they have the opportunity to contribute and to earn a living which will not only finance their lifestyle today and tomorrow but also their dreams”

A Company Founded and Built on Human Potential
People want to be part of something better. They want to feel like they belong.